pg tdi bgn agak lewat,
mlm smlm tak bleh tido,
pk kn dye...ntah la,
nak kate syg...mmg syg...nk kata tak syg...syg la jgk...
tpi sdih la, dye leh ckp yg sy tak bleh dpt dye...
knp ek???
soalan tu sy nk tnye, tpi tkot dye tak leh jwb...
tghri...tlg ibu msak syur favourite kobis n siput sedut msk lmak kot...tpi ad mix daun kunyit...
msak pe ek...nth la...
kol 3 ibu g meeting, skunk ibu lom blik...dok sowg2 je...borink...
asyik online je...
tpi tdi lyn harvest, tpi borink asyik men je...
kne men skjp2...tak la jemu...
isnin ad kels...after that day, i hve assignment to do...18 march the presentation of the assignment...
hopefully it would become easy n smoothly...amin...
windu la nk study full pencil case, ad bku, assignment ngan membe2...g kls sentiasa...haaaa...ble tu...juz wait...
u can do it...try to achieve wat u have target k...ALLAH always wif u...